Plug in to St. John's
Looking for a way to get involved? We have lots of ways for you to plug in and fellowship with others.
Prayer Shawl Group
Knitters meet once a month to knit and crochet prayer shawls as a tangible reminder of God's arms around you in every situation of life. They are always looking for new people to join their ministry. Have a great day as a forgiven child of God!
Contact Glenda Brice or Peep Dennis for more information.
Praise Team
The Praise Team at St. John’s Lutheran Church provides a musical touch with a contemporary feel during Sunday morning church services. Members of all ages and talents are welcome to join the choir and contribute their voice and/or instrumental talents.
Praise Team typically practices on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 and sings at least twice per month for Sunday worship services as well as contributes to special services throughout the church year, including Lent, Easter, Advent, and Christmas. God has richly blessed this group of musicians and has created a family of voices whose goal is to sing praise to our Heavenly Father.
Contact Linda Ruhl for more information.
Bell Choir
The St. John’s Lutheran Church Handbell Choir practices on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 and on some Sunday mornings before or after service. The bell choir consists of people of all ages and musical abilities. They all come together with the same interest, sharing the word of God through their talents and love of music. The bell choir typically plays once a month September- May in addition to some Advent services, Christmas Eve, some Lent Services, Easter, around the 4th of July, Reformation, and during other special services. In the past the bell choir has also accompanied the school children during performances.
The bell choir is always looking for substitute players and is sometimes in need of a couple full time players. Please let the bell choir director know if you are interested in learning to play handbells.
For more information, contact Krissy Adcock.
Ladies Aid-LWML
Ladies Aid works help others from the church and school feel welcome and appreciated while helping to spread the word of God to others.
For more information email
Loaves and Fishes
Loaves and Fishes is a program with Harvest Outreach Ministries which helps provide hot meals to the people of Hannibal. Members of St. John's volunteer to provide the meal for the second Wednesday of each month.
If you would like to volunteer or help in some way, contact Sharon Schmohe.
Youth Group
Youth group is open to all middle and high school age students. They meet Sundays at the church.
For more information, email
Alter Guild
St. John's Altar Guild serves our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by setting up communion and having the altar area ready for Sunday worship services. This might include changing paraments and banners to coincide with the church year. Members serve for one month. We meet on the last Sundays in April and October.
Anyone wishing to join the Altar Guild can contact Linda Ruhl at church, call 573-406-3513 or email.